Coral Gardening

In 2021, GRR pioneered coral restoration in the Galapagos, providing groundbreaking insights into the feasibility and methodology of coral restoration in the islands. This novel work paved the way for technique innovation and development. 

Pilot Nursery
Reef Revival, Galapagos, coral, Coral gardening

Coral Growth & Survivorship

Our research has unveiled the first detailed insights into the survivorship and growth rates of Galapagos corals during seasonal oceanographic shifts as well as El Niño and La Niña (ENSO). Crucial for understanding how these events impact coral health and development.

Reef Revival, Galapagos, coral, Coral gardening, coral growth and survivorship
Reef Revival, Galapagos, coral, Coral gardening, coral growth and survivorship

Coral Resilience

Our ongoing work focuses on identifying resilient coral varieties, mapping gene expression and bleaching resistance mechanisms. Results from these developments will help advance our understanding of the remarkable hardiness of Galapagos corals and their regional restoration potential.

Reef Revival, Galapagos, coral, research
Reef Revival, Galapagos coral reef, restoration, research

Coral Restoration

We conduct studies to understand the ecological impact of coral restoration on marine communities, including the study of interactions between restored corals and the broader marine ecosystem.

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